Editorial and Index Page  

The Kidderminster Medical Society website has been on line since 1998. Prior to that, 1990 – 2000, Graeme Wilcox and Barrie Davies produced a paper newsletter which was distributed to members. As time has gone by the content of the website has changed enormously and in line with the dramatic and far reaching changes in the National Health Service both locally and nationally.

Similarly, website development has gone far from the production of simple information pages to interactive media concepts which we could never have imagined 20 years ago. As far as this website is concerned, it started off using simple Microsoft Front Page website development – not so any more !  Recently with the introduction of Windows 11 Front Page became redundant and for a period of time there were serious doubts that the website could carry on. However and despite the limited learning capacity of an 80 year old brain a new website development program has been used to produce this version.

The layout of the website has changed considerably, particularly regarding the reports received from bursary recipients. The reports will now be categorised on the date received and the names of the individuals concerned. Similarly, the photgraphs received with the reports will be restricted to the past 5 years - this is because of the limitation of web size we have available. However, all reports, photographs, editions and even copies of the original paper newsletter are held in archive and are available to anyone on request


In the Spring / Summer of 2024, efforts were made to update the members mailing lists and we were surprised to find that, despite local health service structural changes, membership has remained steady with both retired and active hospital and general practice members. Efforts will be made to keep the list updated but please remember that it is as much up to members as society officials to keep the circulation list as accurate as possible (?? changed your email address ??). Similarly, the website distribution is not restricted to members and it is an open access website so if you are aware of any one who may be interested in being notified about the website please go to the contact page. The popularity of the site and its open accessibility has, over the past few months, resulted in numerous contacts asking for information about Kidderminster healthcare past and present.

Notification of new website updates will be sent to members as they become available – particularly as new bursary reports are received.. However, if there is anything you wish to include on the site, including news, comment and opinion (within reason !!) you are more than welcome to get in touch through the contact page.

Kind regards to all,

Barrie Davies

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