updated 23 Jul 2024

WEBSITE INTRODUCTION Correspondence Contact us Bursaries Bursary Reports History of KMS Books by Members Archive


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The Medical Society Website has been on line since 1998. Prior to that, 1990 - 2002, Graeme Wilcox and Barrie Davies produced a paper copy which was distributed to members). The site is written in a fairly simple HTML language which does not allow some of the more spectacular graphic presentations that are now available on the web. Similarly, as time has gone on, its content has changed dramatically in line with the changes we have all witnessed in the health service both nationally and locally. The main content of the site now concentrates mainly on bursary announcements and, more important, bursary recipient reports which make superb and sometimes dramatic reading.

In Spring / Summer 2024 efforts were made to update the members mailing list and we were surprised to find that, despite the local health service structural changes, membership has remained steady with both retired and active hospital and general practice members. Efforts will be made to keep the list updated. However, the website is not restricted to medical society members and if you know of anyone who may be interested in the website content, don't hesitate to give them contact details - either through the website address or through the site contact page which is on the selection bar above and below.

Notification of website updates will be sent to the members as they become available - particularly when new bursary reports are received. If, however, you wish to include news, comment or opinion (within reason !!!!!) you are more than welcome to get in touch through the contact page. Should letters or printable comment become available a members contact page will be introduced.





Dr Richard Taylor


It is with sadness that the Death of Dr Richard Taylor has been announced.
He passed away on 26th June 2024 aged 89 years.

Richard was a remarkable specialist in rheumatology at Kidderminster General Hospital for 23 years before retiring in 1995. Following huge local opposition to the the closure of the hospital , he took the fight to Westminster where he served as a member of parliament for 2 full terms. Despite speaking in the commons mainly on health matters, Richard held other strong opinions including the reversal of rail privatisation, legalisation of cannabis, opposition to a ban on hunting and the invasion of Iraq and opposition to student top up fees. He was deservedly awarded an MBE for services to Kidderminster General Hospital.

He left three children from his first marriage and a daughter from his marriage to Christine Miller in 1990.


23rd July 2024

A memorial service for Richard will be held at St Mary's Church Kidderminster on Saturday 17th August at 14.30 hrs.

Further details will be posted here as they become available





Please make a point of visiting the website regularly

the website can be accessed at:



WEBSITE INTRODUCTION Correspondence Contact us Bursaries Bursary Reports History of KMS Books by Members Archive